Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Public Holidays

I am amazed to see that there is a significant amount of discussion regarding the fact that in 2011 the Easter Monday holiday and Anzac Day fall on the same Monday. For the non-Anzac of you reading, ANZAC day is the day we remember our war veterans here in Australia.

I was watching a morning show today and two of the presenters stated that the Anzac Day holiday should not be moved to the Tuesday; that we should lose that day completely. Now our wages are set knowing how many public holidays there are and how many days off we get a year so the net result of this would be to add an extra working day to the year for zero extra recompense. Every time Anzac or Australia Day fall on a weekend, we get the strident calls from business hoping to get something extrra for nothing.

Therefore I propose that in 2012; as Anzac Day lands on a Tuesday, and there's really little point in us all wobbling into work for one day, the Monday should be added as an extra day off - call it "can't be arsed day". Lets see if business gives us a thumbs up for that one. After all its in the same vein as their idea...


  1. People always look askance at me when I tell them I get paid during the school holidays - when I am not actually physicaly working. What they don't understand is that my salary is structured so that I only get paid for the time that I do work and they spread out how they give it to me into 12 monthly payments.

    It still feels good in the holidays when it feels like I'm being paid for doing nothing... even though I've actually already done the work and it's just a delayed payment :)

    Perhaps I should charge interest!

  2. Exactly. All of our wages are annualised and we are commensurately paid less because of those days.
