Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hello? Is there anybody out there?

I was wondering if anyone was actually reading my little musings. I'm aware of one person that does (thanks Ute), but not of anyone else. I tried to add a counter to the blog (epic fail - long story), but I don't really know. Am I just typing away to myself (seems a little deluded and narcissistic all at once), or is anyone else looking in?

Yes I know this is a blatant play for comments but I need to know...

In an entirely sane me....really...

Oh and I really like leaving dots at the end of sentences...


  1. "Oh and I really like leaving dots at the end of sentences... " Me tooooo!!! ;o)

    I've found that I have a lot of stalkers who never comment. Sometimes they decide to finally pipe up and say hello. Which is nice. :o)

    What problems did you have with the site counter? Which one did you try?
    I use both StatCounter, and Sitemeter...both very easy to install.

  2. Thanks so much for that. I was wondering if I was just typing at myself to some extent. Because that's what crazy people do...

  3. Your not crazy :o) We are out here, just lurking.

    I often wonder the same thing, about babbling on to myself but I find it help sort out my thoughts from time to time.

    Also with the invention of things like google reader and bloglines I'm not sure Sitemeter etc picks up those hits?

    But anyway..... Hi! Fear not, your not alone :o)

  4. LOL, Im here :) I find statcounter really easy to use... And stop nicking my dots at the end of a sentence... ;P

  5. Hello!!!! I'm here, just running a little late..... catching up now :0)

    I like using lots of exclamation marks!!! Ya know what I mean??!!!!
